A shit witch is a girl that is cute, rich, and popular but behaves in the most ugly of manners. Shit witches are tasked by the Devil with making the world a much worse place.
Wendy is a shit witch, dude. It's just the way it is.
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So with the shits means when you’re vibing.
*dude dancing to a song*
spectator- “Why’s he so with the shits?”
"shitting on the cock" means you disappointed someone by failing to fulfill the hopes they had for you. It is usually used between friends to make fun of each other.
it comes from the brazilian expression "cagar no pau".
-"I spent the whole night wingmaning for my friend Matt "Semen" and had to entertain his crush's friend for hours and he still lost her to a random guy in the club... I'm tired of him always shitting on the cock like that"
-"I know... I've grown used to it by now"
1. Fart, passing gas, flatulence.
2. Smelly air bubble produced from your booty pipe.
3. Angelic music being played from your bum hole.
Person 1 "Do you smell that? Gah, did you fart? It smells awful!"
Person 2 "No" Busts out laughing because their lying and can't keep a straight face. While laughing they let out another fart.
Person 1 "Eww, you farted again! I can feel it on my face! It's like a poof of shit man!"
After taking a mean shit, an act of desperation, usually by the lazy, using a piece of clothing (your roommate's socks, a t-shirt, a bath towel etc.) to wipe your dirty ass after realizing you have absolutely no paper products whatsoever in your house.
Roommate Kevin : "Dude, where are all my socks & towels? I had a ton!"
Fat Jack: "Man, I gotta confession to make. I've been too lazy to buy TP, so I've been wiping my ass clean with your socks & towels & then throwing them away."
Roommate Kevin: "Please tell me you're fucking joking, you lazy fat fuck! Why don't you use your own socks when you Macgyver Shit?!"
When you have a big juicy Five Guys cheeseburger and 45 minutes later you shit yourself in the most embarrassing situation. This usually happens when the burger is made with jalapeños and hot sauce.
Last night I was hanging with Carol, and just about as I was ready to stick it in, I had a spontaneous shitting. It was all over he place. She laughed.