When you've eaten tacos that are so seasoned and good that you fart and a little bit of red dust comes out with your fart.
Man those tacos had some awesome seasoning, I bet when I fart I'm going to make Taco dust.
Euphemism for lesbian sexual activity.
Veronica and Liz got drunk at a bar, danced at a club, and then came home to spend the rest of the night trading tacos.
When you first get your period and you're not aware of your vagina so you just wedge the tampon between your labia.
I was 13 and had no instruction before my first period and gave myself a cotton taco.
female masturbation sometime taco slashing depending on the intensity
i have a felling Suzy is going to slather the taco when she gets home
Derogatory word for a nigger that acts like a mexican. Also means a nigger pussy.
You damn nigger, stop acting like a coon taco.
Aye pedro “stop eating that coon taco.
A taco tug...getting a handjob by a day laborer in the home depot parking lot.
jaun forgot his leaf blower today so he had to give taco tugs behind home depot today.
When two girls ride each other’s vaginas and scissor each other
Those lesbians are taco bumpers