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Wreake Valley Y11 Rugby Team

Best team in Leicestershire - we dont train and we still beat JCC B team, who play every week, awesome set of guys.

WVCC Rugby team, coached by Mr. White and Mr. Springthorpe - defend like a blue brick wall

by Dan S April 23, 2005

5๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

smithson valley high school (texas)

a boring ass school full of fags

fag 1: what school ya go to blood
fag 2: smithson valley high school in texas full of boring ass busters who ride cowboy dick all day
fag 1: word? I heard everyone is on substances, that's why everybody is so boring
fag 2: I know that lame Jesus hates smithson valley high school (texas)

by drakesmom February 20, 2014

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You know you go to Metea Valley when

a school where there are too many rules and just suck period!! mostly everyone that goes to this school hates it! the teachers, hall monitors and even librarians take their jobs waaay to seriously! this school sucks...

You know you go to Metea Valley when

1. you have gotten PDAed at least 3 times for the dumbest shit
2. you are taller than the lockers
3. your siblings are older than the teachers at the school
4. you've spent a class period sitting in smiths class when you've never had him as a teacher
5. you've gotten sent back to class for not having a pass multiple times in one day
6. you have tried to sneak around Mr. Gordan to get to the vending machines
7. you know more than 3 pot dealers
8. you have come to school high or drunk
9. you laughed when sydney degan fell in a cheer routine
10. you got dress coded for a completely appropriate outfit
11. you sat in the office for over 2 class periods because you were dress coded
12. you freeked out when mushu the snake was stolen/escaped from smiths first semester
13. you've gave/got head more than 3 times in a week
14. you went to at least one epic drinking party during the year
15. you've stolen food and gotten away with it
16. you live 45 min away from the school
17. your middle school split to go to metea
18. you are a sophomore or freshmen
19. you hate your school
20. you have never gone to a football game or sporting event

by mcwccr May 17, 2010

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Rose Valley Fountain

Meeting a woman at JR's Tavern that wants to you home with you. She is led to Rose Valley lake instead of a residence. Once at the lake, the back seat of her car is folded down and the two of you proceed to make love. Halfway through it is realized that she is a squirter. She is made to squirt like a fountain until there are puddles on her floor board. You then take off so quickly that she cannot follow you to figure out where you live.

Man, I met a woman at JR's the other night with triple G's, she wanted to go home, so I gave her the Rose Valley Fountain instead.

by RodJammerJR May 22, 2023

The Valley Taco

The act of fucking a girl in her ass while she then shits on you as you procede to fuck her in her vagina.

RJ: Man last night me and Alexis tried out The Valley Taco. ;)
Pablo: Damn!!! You lucky S.O.B :)

by MrNiggaArches August 15, 2011

Happy Valley

When you have so much hair on your body its a {happy valley} to its less appealing daughter {happy trail}.

Guy 1: I dont have just a happy trail, its a happy valley
Guy 2: Dear God

by OG Beef log December 14, 2018

Happy Valley

Portland, Oregon
It is a small section of the city, Portland, in Oregon.
You will find nice people there.

"I would like to leave Happy Valley, it is filled with people I don't have time to interact with."

by noodle has got ur noodles December 22, 2021