A educational and entertaining content creator
Oh man, AjFry is such a purple donkey
An item you use to draw with when your an emo.
Non emo dude; Hey emo, pass me that purple pen,
Emo; No bitch it’s my purple pen
A phrase that has evolved in the present day lexicon, a reference to the first three words of the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution and the blending of red and blue, that reflects the mass defection of disillusioned Republicans from their damaged party, thanks to their current front front-running indicted candidate, the notorious and disgraced 45.
We are watching a stampede of elephants who are increasingly incredulous and mortified refer to themselves as ‘We the Purple’ in an effort to differentiate themselves from the elected cowards who have so far been entirely unwilling to cut his sorry ass loose.
This is the day were the ladies rule! Ladies if you see a man/boy give them a purple nerple! Simple:) and the men CAN NOT do it back:)
Purple nerple your ex’s too! Have fun!
a group of friends that like balls and cum
"AYO come to the purple waters meet and greet!!"
Guy: purple is a color
Girl: yea what about it
Guy: it’s a color that’s it
Everyone knows what a purple pinkie is...
I woke up with a purple pinkie