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mac head

Somebody obsessed with Macintosh Computers and all things related to apple.

Wow, what a total mac head! Does he really need that many iAccessories for his iLife to be complete?

by drujon October 15, 2006

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Mush Head

A Canuck or Stupid Person

You fuckin' Mush Head.

by Nooo February 4, 2008

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Freezing Head

The act of sucking icecubes before performing oral sex on a man (and possibly woman). Can also be done with extremely cold drinks.

Jayne gave me freezing head last night, it chilled me to the balls.

by Corpy Punisher May 24, 2010

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Poopy head

The single most hardcore insult known to mankind. Was once used by the myth, the legend, The Angry Video Game Nerd

You're a poopy head. You want me to spell it out for you? YOU'RE A poopy head!

by blackzippy12 April 30, 2019

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Munt Head

An oddly-shaped head.

When the Addams Family appeared in the Scooby Doo cartoons, they were all drawn with munt heads!

by Fiosh April 2, 2008

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muslim head

The act of getting a blowjob by a Muslim in the country of indoneasia

Saya hanya punya sebuah Muslim Head tadi malam

by Nathan The Eel September 6, 2017

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Steel Head

The compacted fecal matter which is the first to pass before the softer normal fecal matter

This can be caused by holding onto the poo for longer then you should. Cuasing the colon muscles to compress the fecal matter. Squeezing water and pushing it backwards back up towards the intestine.

Fecal matter after the initial steel head can be more runnier (softer) then usual.

Although it has happened for no reason at all. Its more commonly caused by holding on for to long or not enough water intake

"Hey man, why the sour look on your face?"
"Just had this massive steel head.."

"Allan had a huge steel head this morning, poor bloke"

by ausjohn December 15, 2009

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