Try to write about high voltage(#@Aadat) is ultimately
Like trying to have a dictionary represent the high voltage(#@Aadat), no matter how many words are there are, there will never be enough.
The more in harmony with yourself you are, the more joyful you are and the more faithful you are. Faith is not to disconnect you from reality - it connects you to reality that's my high voltage.
High voltage(#@Aadat) bring me to closer to heaven.
Whatever souls are made of, her and mine are the same, high voltage(#@Aadat).
You can be in a relationship for two years and feel nothing; you can be in a relationship for 2 months and feel everything. Time is not a measure of quality; of infatuation, its pure form of love with high voltage.
Every life story is beautiful but our life story is my favourite.
Where love is there God is also there in high voltage of presence.
I have to make a phone call every day in morning because I love to listen her voice in my heart thats my kinship ....that I get a High voltage kick start for the whole day...... thank you so so very much!!#@Aadat.
Most important one from my depth of the heart High voltage(#@Aadat) make me smile without even trying😊,she has the ability to control me more then myself.
When you rub THC extract around the edges of a bitch pussy, and it ends up being tight while you eat it out and get high.
I may have not went to the barber, but I still got the High And Tight from some hoe.
Gay school full of retards, cunts, more retards and school shooter wantabees
I fucking hate hudsons bay high school
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white•knoll high•school
/whįtə ñołe hï šcōōł/
Learn to pronounce
Think of the worst place imaginable, then add drugs, teen pregnancy, nicotine addiction, douchie straight guys, racist and homophobic trump🤮 supporters, and guys who can’t keep their tiny micro dicks in their pants. That’s White Knoll! We have everything you could ever ask for! Like creepy teachers who look like the teacher in iCarly with the root and berry retreat, a hot coach who may be gay (and if so hit me up in a year and a half), and much more! Imagine a place where people still use being gay as an insult. (how closeted gay of you) Don’t even get me start on the selection of guys at this school, they are either really ugly or absolute dicks. There are probably 3 good guys at this school, and NO GAY GUYS!!!!!!! Come out y’all what is hold you back. Your “Straight” buddies are probably gay too. So in conclusion, white knoll is just an amazing place to spend 8 hours a day!
“What school do you go to?”
“White Knoll High School”
“You mean the school where a brother pushed his sister off the second floor?”
“Yup, That’s the one!”
second gayest hs in tucson arizona after shs filled with wannabe gang bangers & drug dealers, not to mention the shitty staff+teachers
“what hs u go to?”
“pueblo high school”
“damn that sucks lol”
A non selective school located in Cheltenham, NSW. Once an okay school but respects for the principal plummeted down one day. An event spreading all over social media and the news but with only one part of the issue.
some students at Cheltenham girls high school were traumatised into what they heard from their own principal.
Hey, which teacher was I to give something to? - - - No I cannot go. I can't bare thinking about pedo teachers.
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