When a girl tortures a mans cock and balls for fun.
“Takesha gave Jamal cock and ball torture and twisted his balls so hard they fell off.”
The Classic Tiktok Girls That Want To Be Simps & Also Wanna Try To Be Funny But its adjust a Overrated Terrible Meme You Can Find It On Tiktok You Lazy bitch
the Overrated Tiktok Meme ; Were You here for Your Cock and Ball torture? , Go Right Ahead Their Waiting For you.
Cock and ball torture is when somebody grabs your balls and drags them over ten miles with sandpaper while sucking your cock, until the balls bleed. And the cock i hard as a rock. Then you smash the cock with a rock. An then eat the meat.
I love doing cock and ball torture with my boyfriend.
When a coach tells their players in a basketball game to keep yeeting the 3 ball, not giving a fuck whether they make or miss them.
Fan 2: That's that good ol Mazzulla Ball for you.
A person that has so little coordination and control of their body that when attempting to play ball sports they resemble a disabled person (mong)
“Have you seen Tyler playing football? “
“Yes, total ball mong”
Official Rules Of Nerd-Ball
(game was made by a group of Individuals in the youth)
1) The objective of the game is to be the last man standing
2) use your hand to hit the cue-ball (white one) trying to get the 8-ball (black one) in any one of the pockets
3) if you hit the cue-ball in the pocket before the 8-ball goes in your out
4) if the person in front of you gets the 8-ball in the pocket your out and wait until the game is over
5) on the serve you have 3 attempts to hit the ball if unable to do so, your out
6) if on the serve you manage to hit both balls in at the same time your out, This move is further known as the Katalynn
7) if any of the 2 balls in play go off the table your out (unless it’s a serve)
8) After someone gets out the person behind them go to serve the ball
9) if the 8-ball stops moving before you hit the ball your out
10) when the person hits the ball their turn is over and the person behind them is up
11) Once a game has started no one can join in late
12) Alliances are allowed
13) If you're not competitive it's not the game for you maybe play SPLONG
When you stick you balls in a paper shreder and they jam half way though
Ball shredder a better than ball strechers