Chronic DA (DumbAss) Syndrome, a person who is prone to being a DumbAss and doing DumbAss things
I've been diagnosed with Chronic DA syndrome offer my last skiing accident, should have realised trees don't move when yelled at
A type of syndrome which is very deadly to all people, 98.5 of the people in this world have this syndrome and most of them are students. This syndrome causes laziness, procrastination, and losing focus.
You have the "daClarky syndrome" you must fight it, or else you will not be successful just like what happened to Clarky.
When your anaconda becomes a vaccum attachment and the male is impregnated with the females egg or eggs. A process by which the man becomes pregnant and acts like a total bitch.
She said that aint my kid, yah Seahorse Syndrome motherf...r, look at it doesn't look anything like me, look it's skin tone is even different!! I don't know who you were screwing but this bitch ain't that bitch, is that clear, ok, have a GOOD DAY! And tautau for now and maybe forever on your down there, green eggs and ham.
A leak at the tail end of the GI tract.
If you could hear the drip, drip, drip, you’d know immediately that he was suffering with leaky butt syndrome!
"Phantom vibration syndrome" is when you think your phone is buzzing, but it's just your imagination playing tricks on you. It's like your pocket is the boy who cried "vibrate"!
Here's a silly joke about "phantom vibration syndrome": "Why don't ghosts use phones? Because they're already experts at phantom vibration syndrome!"
Mucus fishing syndrome is when you anally fist a persons asshole, gather large amounts of ass mucus and place the anal mucus onto the persons eyeballs.
The doctor told her she had mucus fishing syndrome. Her eyes were glazed over with ass mucus.
when someone joins a school, and instead of adapting to the new environment and making new friends, they latch onto one person and only talk to/ follow them around. they may briefly interact with this person’s other friends, but will not try to become real friends with them.
during break, at parties, or meet ups they will only stay next to their target.
this usually takes the form of a romantic/sexual relationship that develops at an unusually fast rate at the beginning of the school year, but can also be platonic.
an infected person will become dependent on their host, as they are their only form of social and physical connection in the school and they cannot afford to lose it.
there is currently no cure for this syndrome, and the infected must try to overcome the anxiety of a new school and make other friends, as if the relationship falls apart they will be left completely isolated and alone in the school.
“hey did you see that the new kid Jess is already dating Brad, even though theyve only known each other for a month”
“yeah, she’s definitely got new school syndrome”