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Cracker Central

A time and place for crackers

This chicken soup is cracker central

by richin206 August 31, 2018

penny crackers

a string of small firecrackers tied together and set to go off in sequence when the fuse is lit.

Jimmy got fined for setting off penny crackers in the parking lot.

by uh1989 June 4, 2009

jive cracker

An Uncommon Phrase Used by the Blacks to describe a Crazy White Person.

White: I'm Gonna go jump off that cliff into a river!
Black: Whatchu Talkin' Bout Jive Cracker!

by PrideofSyn November 19, 2013

cum cracker

when a white guy or girl is a pick me

maddy: “ayo your being cum cracker”
mckayla: “no im not!”

by deez mf nuts. May 6, 2022

1👍 1👎

banana crackers

One who has lost their temper and starts to throw objects out of frustration

That man went banana crackers because he lost electricity and couldn't watch the football game

by gypsygirlyah December 31, 2018

vampire cracker

A picked off scab

Dave loves to pick off his scabs and offer them to other people as vampire crackers.

by SnowBunnyAK47 September 24, 2015

Frosted Cracker

A Frosted Cracker is the result of playing the age old game where you and your mates circle jerk around a cracker until you all nut. Thus leaving the last one to nut to then eat the Frosted Cracker

Tony: LOL looks like rob is the last one to nut

Rob: Dang now i gotta eat the Frosted Cracker

by crackhead bible man October 26, 2022