The respective counterpoint to the Magical Negro. A white character in TV or Film Media that solves all the problems of the people around them, using an unreasonably broad range of suspiciously advanced skills or just straight up magic. They are usually female, guardian-type characters with kind demeanours whom also present the constant low-level threat they might put you inside their handbag-porthole if you cross them - never to be seen again.
Julie Andrews is a two-time magical cracker actor.
A closeted republican politician working to suppress gay rights or sexual freedom in the name of "family values".
A gigolo just outed that conservative senator from South Carolina. You know, I always suspected he was a graham cracker.
When a white and black person fall in love they’ll make a graham cracker kid
When you have just eaten crackers, and there are remnants on your tongue that are visible to those you are interacting with.
Cheer: *crunch crunch crunch* ... *gulp* "anyways, like I was saying,"
Hailey: "Ew, that's gross"
Cheer: "what, do I have cracker tongue?"
Hailey: "yeah girl"
When you just finished off a bag of a saltine cracker and you got crumbs on your hands and proceed to finger your girl.
I just finished off the bag and she was horny so I gave her a Colorado cracker
Geriatric form of a typical cracker.
An old white person.
That old lady almost hit me in the parking lot! I don't think she could even see over the steering wheel.
Yeah, she was a gran-cracker for sure.
A speed bump. So named because if you drive too fast over one, it can cause serious damage to the suspension and/or axles of your car.
I had to take my car to the shop because I drove over an an axle cracker that I didn't see. The repairs cost me more than the car itself!