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G Town

Town of Gatineau, Quebec. Mostly used on insta for locations

Im from the G Town, where u from?

by justwantstotravel.lol January 15, 2020

G Town

White suburban neighborhood near Pittsburgh, PA. Turned into the hood by a group of savages.

Person 1: What are you doing after school today?
Person 2: Going to G Town to go smoke a ton of weed and fuck bitches and get money.

by Sgt. Deeviid Froontzook June 21, 2017

Forest town

a fairly big area covered with people that only have 3 teeth. Also, people that have webbed feet and are all related.

Well, he must be from forest town.

by Bullet tooth 111 November 15, 2015

Crown Town

Refers to the mental space you find yourself in when an incoming poop is trying hard to birth itself but you must keep it up in there for the time being.

I took it all the way to crown town on my jog last night, bless those conveniently placed port-o-johns.

by k-shnizzle December 10, 2021

The New Town

The New Town of Edinburgh is 1 square mile of exquisite Georgian Houses and apartments with grand communal gardens which together form a UNESCO world heritage site.

Populated by the upper-middle and upper classes of Scotland plus the the poshest of the English students at Edinburgh University, it is the northern bastion of the Sloane Ranger (sometimes known as a “Charlotte Ranger” after the grand square in the New Town).

Rahs can be found in The Little White Pig, The Wally Dug, Kays Bar, The Cumberland and Pickles. New Town kids are educated at Fettes College, Eton College and other top British public schools.

Scotland is a ghastly place full of chippie jocks and weegies, the only glimmer of civilisation is the New Town.

by UrbaneUrban February 8, 2020

pimple town

The part of town you hang out in when your acne is going nuckin futs all over your face.

As you can see by my acne I've been crusing the mean streets of pimple town lately.

by scrotymcboogerballs May 14, 2010

cheeky town

I'm taking a trip to that phat cheeky town.

I'm getting me some cheeky town tonight boys.

by Yoyoyoyoomm8575 June 24, 2021