1. How they say hello in Shanghai. (Depending on the area)
2. Most often a simple dry handy, traditionally preformed in a public area.
I haven't heard back from any of the places I applied to. Pretty soon I'll have to start giving Shanghai hand-shakes behind the pawn shop to pay the bills.
When a woman has an orgasm so extreme, it causes her whole body to shake while she squirts at the same time.
“I totally got Kate to shake n’ skeet last night!”
To violently shake ones arms in a batting stance, a la MLB legend Carney Langsford.
Dude, no more coke for you bro, your shaking like Langsford!
A dance where you shake your money maker for an absurd amount of time. Caution this takes a ridic amount of cardio endurance.
Gurrl I did the fukushima shake down from open to close at the club, I feel like I just ran a marathon
Bro, when that girl was shaking my snowglobe last night, she kept laughing and it was very weird.
Smt for short. The meaning of shaking my head but your not no whimp so your shaking your Tim’s.
Kid: I failed my math test
Me : shaking my Tims
An awesome drink made by blending a peace of chocolate cake