A girl that deserves hate for coming between two soulmates
Stresses you out!
I hate Cheyenne Bridges
11/10 school. miss lees is a cow
everyone is a carthead (Hunter Costello smokes catnip)
most people get bullied #chillibuchanforlife
Miya Mitchell is a whore
miss Meldrum will save ur life, miss Howard will try to end ur life.
miss Maitland isn't fun anymore because she started taking her job seriously
toilets are always locked because people hotbox and wreck the place
witness junior fight club as chilli Buchan gets batted by everyone (most likely Callum Stewart)
join the greatest rivelry in the world bod vs oldie (plonkers)
" i go to bridge of don academy"
i am saying this to tell you how bridge of don academy and tell you why should not go to the school
is when a person takes their dick and it into one person ass and then takes their balls also and puts it into another persons ass
double bridge rim
When two guys with a hairy ass back up to a double headed dildo and the crabs cross the bridge
hey guys i got a new double headed dildo do yall wanna build a jungle bridge?
the biggest shit hole I’ve ever bloody seen, makes me feel like killing myself and every other student feels the same, full of roadmen and chavs with no lives, I wish I had killed myself before I started this school, it would have been more enjoyable.
blythe bridge high school is fucking shite and belongs in the bin
a bunch of yutes thinking they're hard but they're wannabe london yutes.
have ye heard of the bridge bandits? nah, who are they? ion know tbh bunch of wannabe london tings.