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Cold Cow

A girl that stops talking to you for no reason.

A 2am girl that finds out you are only talking to her for one reason and stops talking to you.

When you pick up the piece and profit off someone cold cow is (cold cow yummy)

The other day this chick stopped dating my friend Bill (Cold Cow) now she dating me (Cold Cow yummy)

by Dr. dating advice May 19, 2010

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cold tires

A common excuse for motorcyclists after they lowside, when in all actuality the lowside was most likey caused by ham-fisted throttle control.

I pulled out of my driveway and next thing I know I'm sliding across the pavement. Damn cold tires.

by RobGoBlue January 17, 2007

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cold rape

Raping someone with snow/ice/something frozen.

"I will cold rape you."

by NotBloodyApplicable April 23, 2016

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Cold Carol

a sexual fetish that involves massaging cubes of frozen urine into the skin.

That party was so crazy, they had one fridge for booze and a whole separate mini freezer for those that like to enjoy a Cold Carol.

by Propertymanagementfuckery January 18, 2018

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cold juice

when an action is messed up or uncalled for.

Jordan: Yo, Dave is sleep. You wanna fuck with him?

Malcolm: Nahh son thats just cold juice...

by ultimatestackthrower999 August 12, 2011

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Cold Carla

A Cold Carla is a Hot Carl in revers.
It is performed by the female sitting on the toilet whilst performing filcacio on the man standing before her.

So I walked into the bathroom and my girl was sitting on tha toilet... we were high on M and she gave me a Cold Carla ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

by Captain Daddy Pants and Peanut November 19, 2017

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Asshole Cold

adj. When it's so cold that when you step outside, the wind hits you, and your face clenches like you just smelled an asshole.

Ugh. I have to go to work in this weather? It's Asshole Cold outside.

by Steveo131 November 27, 2013

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