A new common sense error # 19 that stands for "Cannot Operate Validly Idiocy Discovered" and prompts for a facepalm every time society is met. Can be temporarily fixed with a 14-day quarantine from every mass media possible, but to date has not been eradicated completely due to its initial virality. Proceed with caution if you value both logic and common sense.
The system has encountered an unexpected error and must shut down. COVID-19 error: required to sanitize hands, keep 6 ft distance, wear disposable masks and gloves in public places. Please contact your local cuckoo's nest immediately and pretend to be insane until everything's over.
A man made disease created by the American Democratic Party to regain political control
Covid 19 might kill thousands of people, but at least we won’t have to see anymore of Trump’s mean tweets.
one of the things god created for the netherworld, or hell. but it got mailed to earth and nearly wiped out humans, with quite a bit of their own faults.
Kate: God, I can't stay inside anymore, this pandemic is killing me.
Kathy: That is Covid-19.....
Something wussies have to make excuses to get out of doing something.
Jeffery: "Sorry, I cannot come to the party today. I got Covid-19."
Greg: "You bitch, get your ass over here."
1👍 1👎
(1) Urban Dictionary
killed so many people but hasn't been arrested yet wtf
(2) Oxford Learner's Dictionary
(also Covid-19)
BrE /ˌkəʊvɪd naɪnˈti n/
AmE /ˌkəʊvɪd naɪnˈti n/ /ˌkoʊvɪd naɪnˈti n/
a disease caused by a coronavirus that was first reported in 2019 and became a pandemic
Etymology: from the letters and numbers in ‘corona virus disease 2019’
(1) I will infect you with the COVID-19
(2) Symptoms of Covid-19 can include fever, cough and shortness of breath.
the WORST thing in the nistory of the world and im MAD AT IT
i wanna KICK covid-19 in the BOOTY!