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Campus Crush

Someone who attracts a lot of people. If female guys often crush on her and her friends always ask her out. Vis Versa for boys. Usually extroverted, Kind, attractive, 50/50 chance of them being mixed. The best significant other a guy or girl could ask for. If one of these gains a crush on you consider yourself the luckiest person on earth.

Joe: what do you even see in him? Doesn't ever girl like him?
Gina: He's sweet, friendly, funny and cute. He's a campus crush.

by RayDoesnotLikeUsers November 4, 2021

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expression of anxiety, nervousness or restless boredom. This behaviour is often exhibited at house parties and clubs by the designated drivers.

It is the 21st century equivalent of 'twiddling ones fingers'.

Lucas was standing at the wall aimlessly crushing his empty plastic cup, waiting for the party to end.

Joey was found Cup-Crushing backstage before his big performance.

by designated_driver September 12, 2010

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crush goggles

a state of being where a person has exponentially increased in attrativeness due to the fact that u have a crush on them.

Joe:Bruh, why do Avi like that chick? She so ug!
Alex: Yeah, he got a case of crush goggles.
Avi:What did i do in this life to deserve a girl as beautiful as u?
(Joe, Alex): what a fag

by nicoleamy April 29, 2014

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crushing dicks

To work out so hard you could literally crush a dick with your thighs.

Laura: "Hey Sara I haven't seen you in a while, where've you been?"
Sara: "Oh I've totally been in the gym crushing dicks!"

by Wizzibef November 12, 2013

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Flaming Crush

An extremely large desire to be with another being, and occasionally used in the auto-translate function by me. Also see crush.

Ash has a {Flaming Crush} on Sean.

by Vanya May 25, 2005

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Blue Crush

When you jerk off a guy and RIGHT before he cums, you punch him in the nutsack.

Sally: How did your date with Glen go last night?
Fiona: Not well. I ended up giving him a Blue Crush in his car.
Sally: Brutal! What made you do THAT?

Fiona: Fuck that! He called me Rhonda!
Sally: Oh, then well deserved.

by PistolG July 21, 2014

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Crushing Guts

Another term for sex or fucking. Going too deep and bottoming out in a chick.... or a dude if your a faggot.

(chick) "Just the thought of you inside me crushing guts makes me wet" (guy) You are welcome!

by HBK and Jimmy January 7, 2011

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