Ella is the definition of perfect and she needs to shut up and accept it because Tay says so
Tay: Ella is perfect
*the whole world agrees*
Perfect. The definition of Ella is perfect. She is beautiful and she needs to shut up and accept it because Tay says so.
Tayah : Ella, you’re fucking perfect
*the whole world agrees*
the most craziest and funniest friend you will ever have , a very beautiful Sakura Haruno loving girl , name meaning "she" in Spanish
hey ella are you watching narutoe for sakura again
A super cute person with no flaws except being easily distracted by spiky rocks, if you piss her off be sure to have a spiky rock on hand to distract her with while you run. If you get an Ella on ur side tho she will be loyal and will defend you from anyone, unless they have a spiky rock.
Dave: "Don't piss him off it's not safe"
Mike: "No it's okay I have an Ella on my side I can win in a fight"
Ella is the most petty bitch you will ever meet, so far up her own asshole that she can see the sunrise at 1 am. Hates it when people have differing opinions to hers for no reason but as soon as someone does something remotely similar to what she does, she has a fit and screams and cries about everyone copying her. Painfully bland and dull personality with her only traits being she’s a wannabe “aesthetic” girl from Pinterest. Shes as sensitive as undeveloped photos to light- make any kind of remotely funny joke, and she’ll find a few ways to make you feel like shit. Blames everything on anyone but herself, and never thinks about the people around her and what they are feeling, nor does she care. Probably is gay… in the worst way. Not even funny, either.
“Oh my god, you know Ella?”
“Yeah! She seems nice.”
“Well I have to warn you, she’s a bitch!”
Bit of a piece of shit. Copies other ppl. Pretty with like freckles and shit. Dirty jokes but some how innocent. Doesn't know when to shut up.
Rando: Hi ella can you help me with this science project we r doing the human body
Ella: OOOO what areas
Rando: Ella you r discusting
Ella: U just a hater