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I feel attacked

A thing white girls say when they somewhat relate to something on the internet.

β€œStudy proves that overweight girls are fat”
White Girl: Omg I feel attacked!

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 18, 2023

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i feel like chicken tonight

when you feel like eating "Chicken Tonight" Brand product .

richie:hey mom what's for dinner.

Mrs. Cunningham:I havent decided what im going to make yet.

Richie:I feel like chicken tonight!(rondulet)

Mrs. C:Sit on it ,its 1964.

by h-lo August 24, 2004

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feel like complete Dog Shit

means to feel terrible

bro i feel like complete dog shit

by lil Riptide September 28, 2023

A Good Feeling That Is Followed By a Reality Check

When you feel AMAZING because you finally got a word published in the Urban Dictionary, but that quickly fades because you realize your a 24 year old who has no job or money, who still live with his parents, and who is still in the 9th Grade because you can't pass Freshman English. Now you feel depressed.

You: BRO,BRO,BRO. Check this out, i got something published in the Urban Dictionary.
Friend:How long has that taken you?
You:*depressed*15 years.
Friend:How long has it taken you to pass English?
*A Good Feeling That Is Followed By a Reality Check.*
*you burst out in tears and start strangling your friend*

by nb.Harris4 December 7, 2018

National Confess Your Feelings Day

November 17 is National Confess Your Feelings Day.

You have to confess your feelings no matter how embarrassing it is. And it HAS to be in person. No confessing over text or facetime. In person.

"Hey its National Confess Your Feelings Day , I like you."


"Hey, wanna go out"


"Hey, I like you"

by Kkmjpkjbts November 15, 2020

Can I borrow a feeling?

Can I borrow a feeling? is an expression people say to goths and emo-kids to feel good about themselves. Since most goths do not actually have feelings, the question is understood to be rhetorical. Since emo-kids have too many feelings, the question implies that the emo-kid is a way too caught up in his worthless life.

Dear Goth,
Can I borrow a feeling? Check one:

by Hodgson May 10, 2006

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National Feels Drama Day

January 20th is National Feels Drama Day as started by @bowser.and.nickvalentine.feels on Instagram.

Man, i cannot wait for National Feels Drama day on January 20th. Better make a post about it and tag @bowser.and.nickvalentine.feels

by brody nick v fan 69420 nice January 20, 2020

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