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get off the gas

Another way to say "no way" or "quit playin"

Person 1: Hey I just won $100 on a lottery ticket!

Person 2: Get off the gas.

by Rebekah P July 27, 2007

28πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

dirty gas pump

starting off with simple tea-bagging, making sure that her nose is between your ass cheeks, and as she is jacking you off, you fart as much as possible.

I know she wants a dirty gas pump when she insists on paying at the local mexican restaraunt.

by Maxx Casey October 2, 2006

2204πŸ‘ 767πŸ‘Ž

Springfield Gas Card

1.) A piece of garden hose that is cut off for the purpose of Siphoning gas.

2.) The piece of equipment needed to siphon gas.

β€œHas anyone seen my Springfield Gas Card, The neighbors just went to bed and I don’t think I have enough fuel to make it to Walmart and back”.

by Mopery November 29, 2009

46πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Get Off The Gas

To refrain from saying, doing, suggesting, thinking of doing, or acting as if at some some point in time you would do, something retarded or just plain illogical.

I think I'ma go check out the new boys like girls cd""get off the gas...

by nickbaney August 5, 2010

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

o ma ga

"O ma ga" is an awesome variation on oh my god. This term can be used in dire situations, sarcastic situations, and exciting situations, although its use is not limited to those times. It is also fun to say it randomly.

Person 1: I just got a 98 on my final! :D
Person 2: O MA GA!!!
Person 1: I think I lost my cell phone. D:
Person 2: O MA GA!!
Person 1: I think you should stop saying "o ma ga" so much. -.o
Person 2: O MA GA... no.

by O MA GA! July 31, 2009

76πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

ass gas or grass

The most acceptable forms of payment for the favor of being given a ride to any destination. Roughly translates to: money, weed, or sex (oral sex is also acceptable). Gifts should be given promptly and without hesitation.

Brian: Well, here we are.

Girl: Aw, well thanks for the ride Brian-

*she begins to exit the car*

Brian: Hey- hey, hey! Not so fast, its ass gas or grass in this car, bitch. And it seems I've got a full tank and plenty of the fine erb, so uhhh... *nods head, indicating genitals*

by BES the best July 3, 2006

330πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž

gas, ass, or grass

When someone asks you to drive them somewhere, they can pay with gas, ass, or grass. Gas(money for gas), ass(a sexual favor), grass(marjuana).

Ling Ling: "I just drove you all the way to Africa. You know the rules... gas, grass, or ass."(gas, ass, or grass)

by mikec00l October 23, 2007

232πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž