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Green Minded

Dirty minded.

In tagalog, the word Green is "Berde", which sounds like "Birdie"(The common tagalog euphemism for a penis).

Royce: I nailed her in that interview!
Amanda: oh did you now? ;)
Royce: You're so green minded!

by mr.platinum January 28, 2014

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green masturbation

Green Masturbation is the act of wanking and then cleaning yourself up with a rag, rather than using paper tissues, thus preventing deforestation.

Green Masturbation will save the world! :D

by Keatonguy May 10, 2008

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Green tea

Green tea is green tea if it's just green tea

the man at Starbucks gave me green tea

by ElenaLo August 4, 2015

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Green Day

A pop-punk band that became extremely popular with the release of their third album,'Dookie', which was released in 1994 and sold over 10 million records.Green Day revived their popularity in 2004 with their critically acclaimed album,American Idiot.This album proved controversial with fans because Green day garnered many new fans that never knew who they were until this album was released.Although to this day 'Dookie' still remains the highest selling Green Day album and a favorite of most fans.

Poser: ZoMg Green Day is teh suxxors!!!!111 Tey sold out!!1No 1 new green day untilll AMerican idiot!!11

Man with a brain: No they didn't.They just became popular agian like they were in the 90's.And American Idiot is not even their best-selling album.

by Jonmad August 28, 2006

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shekel greene

when fuckface Eric Trump attempts comedy.

on his anti-semitic Shekel Greene tour Eric "I'm gummy dammit" Trump said "Bob Woodward's desperate to earn 3 extra shekels with his book 'Fear'." Twitter immediately sent Eric to his room with no supper.

by Uncle Joosie September 13, 2018

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Green Ballooned

To be punched, choked and slapped around, etc. during rough sex while the dominant partner ignores your pleas to stop. MO Speaker Rod Jetton was accused of assault and battery of a woman one night after his divorce. He later said it was her fault that she was beaten without her consent because she didn't use the safe word, "Green Balloons".

"Lucy got green ballooned last night after an S and M sexcapade gone wrong."

John: "Dude, what happened Eric? You look all beat up."
Eric: "Yeah, Emily green ballooned me. I'm pressing charges on that bitch."

by Snusnu December 21, 2009

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Green Beaned

Discovering, after initiating the performance of oral sex on female partner, that she is suffering from a severe case of Gonorrhea or Chlamydia.

Roger picked up a prostitute on the way home from the bar on Tuesday. He paid her $20 to perform oral on her. Unfortunately, once he got down on her and got a good taste going in his mouth, he discovered he had been Green Beaned and tossed her ass out of his car. He stopped by the walk in clinic on the way home.

by Eaton Holgoode August 19, 2015

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