A Coffee drinking, novel reading, wayfarer wearing, oxford obsessing girl/guy who often will pretend to know everything about anything in pop culture spanning from the 1920's to now. Subsequently, they will pretend also not to like everything and anything in pop culture from the 1920's to now. May be seen wearing over sized or undersized, (but never the right sized)t shirt, which will undoubtedly be advertising some sort of movie that know one knows of and or band that know one knows of/likes. Most of them will say they 'get' where the wild things are and shun you for not thinking Spike Jonze is God. If you do not watch the Oscars they hate you. If you do watch the oscars they hate you. Pretty much: Every single one of the extras from Cleo from 5-7.
Hipster (2011) See "I bet you've never even heard of (A hipsters anthem)" video on youtube par example.
Also see "Where the dirty hipsters are video" on youtube.
Typical conversation would go as follows:
Between two Hipsters:
"Loved Cries and Whispers."
"Yeah, Bergman is a genius. The criterion collection really gives me chills. What are you drinking?"
"Yeah, Genius. A latte, no milk please."
"Alright, Ill get mine black."
Between a Hipster and a non-hipster:
"Loved Cries and Whispers."
"What's that?"
"Are...ARE YOU...Are....you SURIOUS! Woooowwww, wow, what? What? WHAT?" *Hyperventilates.
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People who think they are hipsters but really live in the suburbs and live in a townhouse and commute in their parents uneco friendly SUV. They think Andy Warhol is god and when asked can't name any works of art. They are not artistic and write lame poetry that is straight out of Dr.Suess with a hint of Dassboard. They buy half tights from Hollister and tell themselves have hip they are. The real hipsters don;t call themselves hipsters anThe d certainly do not read the hipster handbook. Hipster Scum also claim to be very liberal but are really jsut rebeling against there parents. It is rather sad to be a hipster scum of America because they think they are so special but really it has been done before.
HIPSTER SCUM:::people who think if they dont wear deoderant, dont wash their hair and use oil wipes and the same ol eye liner like taxi. they claim to wanna be poor but really are rich. Real hipsters would agree that they are fake and unscene
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A premed who does everything differently than the other premeds. He or she will usually major in something like Chicano Studies, do tons of volunteer work and research completely unrelated to medicine, and is usually a chill person.
Heidi: What major are you?
Billal: Anthropology
Heidi: That's an interesting major choice
Billal: Yup, I guess you'd say I'm a hipster premed. I'm also taking the alternate math series.
Heidi: That's really cool!
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hipster bashing- an acceptable way for middle class (white) people to point out the ways in which they are superior to other middle class (white) people, esp. prominent in urban environments experiencing gentrification
You know you are truly a hipster when you are well adept at hipster bashing.
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A diva, mostly from a small town or city that has reason to believe that she is different than everyone else. Unfortunately she is wrong.
Typical signs to beware of include but are not limited to:
-Owning a Samsung Galaxy
-Blares anything by The 1975, Lana Del Ray, Panic at the Disco, Imagine Dragon, Empire of the Sun, AWOLNATION, Brothertiger or any other miserable ass band
-Rowdily quotes "lyrics" from aforementioned artists
-Has curly hair that you can not tell if she just got out of bed or had to fight a hobo for a dollar found on the street and is dyed at least thrice
-Wears torn leggings/stalkings (mostly black), black 8 inch heels (or higher depending on how god-awful they look), a button up shirt that looks like she took it from the hobo from the previous statement (to accent the mismatched shirt underneath it) and 4 layers of henna on her arms to show how good of an "ARTIST" she it
-Repeatedly uses ludicrous terms such as "YOLO", "swag", "boss", "Fetch", "dope", "really", "ratchet", "actually", "Chillin", "yippie ki yay a and shit", "consumerism", etc to make a valid statement
-tries to speak in a British accent to see how long she can do it without breaking character when traveling
-Has a scream voice that would make the singer of Behemoth cringe
-Is commonly known as a "rockstar"
If spotted please report to random people saying "WOW! Look at her IS she a ROCKSTAR? She must be all Ratchet Hipster."
WHOA that girl with the flannel shirt, listening to The 1975 in her Touareg is a ratchet hipster!
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An individual who thinks that everything that Samsung makes is superior to every other piece technology in the world (mostly Apple). Despite many smart phone users owning an iPhone, a Samsung hipster tries to go against this social norm.
iPhone Guy: Hey, I just bought the new iPhone.
Samsung Hipster: Even though the new S4 is superior in every way?
iPhone Guy: How so?
Samsung Hipster: Well there is a 0.1384 minimal difference between each process-
iPhone Guy: Hey Siri, can you give this Samsung Hipster the directions to get a life?
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When Hipsters order a drink at the bar. The Hipster Bomb consists of 1.5 Ounces of Espresso, Chilled. The Espresso is then steeped into a .5 pint glass, frosted. Of Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Donny you're out of your element! Dude, the Hipster Bomb is not the issue here. They're gonna kill that poor woman!