A guy who it seems impossible, that he has a life in the outside world.
"I swear does Justin Bieber ever stop posting on Facebook. It's like he all he does in life is post memes and selfies."
Selena Gomez- " He's the definition of Internet guy. He just lives out his life on the Internet."
A guy who it seems impossible, that he has a life in the outside world.
"I swear does Justin Bieber ever stop posting on Facebook. It's like he all he does in life is post memes and selfies."
Selena Gomez- " He's the definition of Internet guy. He just lives out his life on the Internet."
The case of where you have something really great that you want to search because it could mean a huge impact on something, or do something big, e.g. change the world, make a new internet meme, etc. but as soon as you try to, you instantly blank-out, and forget. This is really annoying.
I had such a bad case of Internet Forgotten that between the home page and the search page, I forgot what I was going to search for.
Internet Explorer is a search engine developed by Microsoft, and handed out for most of their products. People often mock and make fun of Bing and Internet Explorer for some reasons such as slow internet, lag, pointless points and other things. Google Chrome and Internet Explorer are also often compared too. Personally, I like Internet Explorer, heck, I'm writing this on Internet Explorer.
Salesman: *Slaps roof of Internet Explorer* This baby can hold so much hate.
a web browser used to download google chrome
person 1: yo do u use internet explorer?
person 2: only for downloading google chrome!
person 1: ah yes of course
The default browser installed on windows machines. It is installed onto you're computer for the sole purpose of downloading Chrome. Many have fallen under the impression that it is a software used to browse the internet, but this is false.
Internet explorer is the only software that you can download Chrome from, because it's default on you're computer. Why don't they just make chrome the default? Who knows....
When someone lags so bad on DayZ, you call out their slow internet connection. Also can be substituted with Rite-Aid internet.
Dom: Man oh man I'm desyncing like crazy Bro. Fuck this Game!
Mez: Maaaan. Shut yo Bitch ass up wit yo Walgreens Internet havin-ass!