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karen moment

When a girl (or boy) named Karen says or does something so derpy that you want to slap yourself with multicolored dildos.

Karen: "Is Pennsylvania in Denver?"
Eric: "Thats a Karen moment. Slap yo-self.

by Yangatang February 17, 2016

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Karen’s law

When one inconvenience sets off a major meltdown

Did you see that Karen over there?
She went full on Karen’s law on that cashier

by FastestEqity July 4, 2020

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Karen hausman

The woman Ariana grande was talking about in β€œgod is a woman”

I was just watching Karen hausman on TikTok,oh my god is she amazing and sexy

by Ruby d September 18, 2021

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Defined: A large overweight white male who is called Steve or Brett. This person often has an opinion on everything but an opinion that is low on fact and high on emotion. One who also generally relies on force of personality to get a point across but is alone in support. Readily identified with a large belly and florid complextion

Example; Stop shouting at me you are being such a Man-Karen

by Jeni Craig July 18, 2021

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Karen Logic

Logic that people say, Typically by Karen's, that makes absolutely no sense, but somehow makes sense to them.

Person 1: Dude, that idiots Karen Logic is absolutely fucking mind blowing.

Person 2: Yea, Karen's are really stupid like that.

by KarenHater21 December 7, 2021

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Fat Karen

Large, overweight, disgusting woman over age 55 who hasn't retired and died yet. She sits at the front desk for hours whining about other people not working. She is quick to tattle whenever someone is sitting in the breakroom. If she does not like her assistant she will text another coworker to change assignments and when that other coworker rightfully screenshots and submits her messages to their supervisor she will indirectly call him out for days and be childish about it. She cries at the smallest inconvenience. She is a divorced fat bitch who claims to be the victim when clearly she was the abusive one in the relationship and has kids who haven't spoken to her in 13 years because they want nothing to do with her. She rallies the other single, divorced women at work because they're her only friends. She steals other people's shifts during shiftbids who are going to nursing school and wonders why she's hated so much at work. She is called a fat cunt behind her back because no one can stand to be around her or listen to her toad-like voice.

She is that fat Karen woman who assaulted a shoe store employee by throwing a box of shoes at her after being told to put on a mask.

Fat Karen cried when she was given an assignment in OR 4 because she can't handle orthopedic surgeries and she can't handle doing her own job. Far Karen just wants to sit at the front desk all day, play wannabe manager and whine about how no one is working not being aware of how hypocritical she is being because she is a fat cunt.

by katytheredpanda December 13, 2022

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Convoy Karen

An old hag in a trucker hat who constantly moans about Covid Mandates

omg that Convoy Karen is protesting again

by Carlos de la Cerda March 26, 2022

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