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mega faggot robo bitch

someone you are now now rocking with, mega faggot robo bitch

you are now now rocking with mega faggot robo bitch

by jermkit February 1, 2024


A person who, as defined by the conventional and academic proper English community, is super duper annoying about their supposed intelligence.

That Spanish dude Ana is a mega-giga-nerd.

by LOOKMOMIMFAMOUS March 9, 2023

Mega Donk

A term meaning 'a lot of'

Person 1: I’m ready to get drunk this weekend
Person 2: yes buddy let’s get a mega donk of beers

by Thicc_Papi February 19, 2021

Mega Simp

Somebody who genuinely ends up in hospital because you simp that hard

Aryans a mega simp, he’s in the hospital.

by Cooldudemx3456 November 27, 2020

Super mega crackhead

A super mega crackhead is the highest level of crackheadness and it can never be topped

Me: I’m a super mega crackhead

Friend: indeed you are the biggest crackhead of them all

by YID ARMY 4 eVEr August 3, 2019

Mega Fiend

someone who repeatedly asks to hit your vape, hits it multiple times and burns your coils

jeez Jax is such a mega fiend they wont stop asking ffs

by shydoodlez December 7, 2023

Mega Fagot

Anyone belonging to the farmhouse fraternity.

Farmhouse is just a bunch of mega fagots jerking each other off.

by blackpeoplesmellfunny January 12, 2022