Source Code

flubber nugget

1. the flabby/dangly part of a mans scrotum.
2. the very delicious meat of the nugget of chicken
3. a donkey's penis

1. Nice flubber nugget!
2. Mmm! This flubber nugget is delicious!
3. Ew! look at his flubber nugget!

by peckermom June 15, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

dick nugget

when a person is being a complete retard and you want to slap them across the face with your dick

John is such a dick nugget, I want to beat him with my dick so bad

by mikeeeeeeeeeee June 25, 2007

19๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fry a nugget.

Expel a turd from the intestines; defecate. (Pop.: Take a shit.)

He was late because he had to fry a nugget.

by Webster Dicktonary June 10, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Booty Nuggets

When your nuts go between or behind your legs. It happens alot and especially while you're laying on your stomach. It also happens whenever your balls are sweaty and is a very annoying thing that happens to guys. Most likely to occur if you ae wearing loose underwear, boxers, or nothing at all.

Example 1:
guy1: Hey dude you got some booty nuggets.
guy2:I know i was just jogging.

Example 2:
girl1 : Marissa don't you hate it when your boyfriend gets booty nuggets.
girl2 : Yeah it happens all the time.

Example 3:

doctor : Sir your allright you just have some swelling in your testicles.
guy: man you telling me im gonna get booty nuggets.

by Mc booty nugget August 12, 2011

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Butt nugget

Little pieces of shit shaped like nuggets from your asshole!

Damn dude! I gotta leave a butt nugget in the shitter! or It smells like butt nuggets on the school bus!

by John T February 2, 2005

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Thug Nugget

A person who thinks they are a thug but are really a freshmen that thinks high schoolers are all gangsta like

Dude that thug nugget just tried to sell me weed.

by Eoy February 29, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nugget Porn

When a guy films himself having sex with chicken mcnuggets from mcdonalds

Bro did you see that nugget porn on chicken nugget tube.com

by Hitler_did_8/11 August 18, 2016

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