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Billie eilish

Billie eilish is the definition of an amazing singer who cherish’s her fans like her friends . Also Billie eilish’s Are born in December and are very beautiful

Billie eilish is so perfect

by Where are the avacados November 3, 2019

8πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Silly Billy

N. Ghetto slang used by black people, rappers, and porn-stars used to replace the words 'fucking retard'. More effectively used when the person being referred to is named Bill or William.

Wow Em, you should really put your clothes back on, we are at church! You are acting like a Silly Billy.

by Chuck Justin. January 23, 2010

51πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž

Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish is literally the Queen and her voice is PERFECT!
~I Can't Escape The Way I Love You~

Me: *plays I love you*
Friend:*starts tearing up* omg who is that?! Her voice is amazing!
Me: *slaps her* ITS BILLIE EILISH!!!
Friend: I deserved that
Me: *sees friend come to school with blohsh merch*
Me: 1 down more than a billion more to go 😏

by GabbyTales June 25, 2019

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Billy Stamper

A stamp achieved by good work, usually in primary school. Could be a smiley face or an animal! The stamp goes on your work or if you're really lucky on the back of your hand so you can show it off to all your friends.

Look mam! I got a billy stamper at school today because I am so awesome :D :D

by tomassxl March 10, 2011

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billie eilish

the most amazing person in the world. her music will either move you to tears, or leave you jamming out so hard you can't breathe. she's beautiful, talented, and overall amazing. she's so awesome that khalid wanted to collab with her.

julie: hey, did you hear bille eilish's new song?
liam: yes! i was crying!

khalid: hey, billie. wanna collab?
billie eilish: sure fam

by yeetyeetspagheet December 6, 2018

36πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

Billie Eilish

William Eyelash

Person 1: "Hey, is that Billie Eilish."
Person 2: "No thats William Eyelash."

by bl33pbl0p September 26, 2019

11πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Billie Stone

The most amazing person in the world, Talented, beautiful, an amazing daughter, and fantastic friend. Everyone loves a Billie Stone...

who's that??

thats Billie Stone!!

Oh she's awesome!!!!!!

by Amanda Stone December 30, 2011

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