When a person puts their hands into the cushions of their couch and is surprised to find pieces of shit layered in the inside these are probably left by a hoard of fuckboys that were not under proper control of the fuckboys supreme
Damn, yo these fuckn couch coins keep get'n my hands ahl covered in shit
A big muscular man(usually a black man) who fucks you so hard on the couch that your body is literally being stuffed into the folds and crevices of that couch.
That bouncer from the other night sure was a couch stuffer.
to sexually please someone.. on the couch
I would couch plant Evinger .. for an A+.
When a democratic society becomes a dictatorship because the people are too lazy to revolt
Our country used to be free but we were so busy playing video games we didn't notice the fascists take over; now we're plagued by couch potatotalitarianism
When an male or female lays on top of another large fluffy (overweight) person ,as if on a waterbed, while listening to their heart and their inhalation moves the that person equally with each breath.
While after a few drinks of whiskey Shannon was laying on Kim's circular body comfy couching on a hot sweaty night and fell asleep on top of them.
While after a few drinks of whiskey I was laying on Tom's circular body comfy couching on a hot sweaty night
crappy ass couch for an elderly couple
my grandma and pappy got a sectional couch
A time in the summer white mainly in the northeast United States sit on their porch couch drinking cheap beer, listening to old music and bothering their neighbors with their cussing and or arguing.
Oh well it must be porch couch season because I can hear the neighbors fighting till 2:00am