The word you use when you take a huge L, especially in Roblox. It can mean anything, from forgetting the password of your Fortnite account, to getting roasted by a YouTuber who hates you (an example would be Deji vs Randolph), to death, like when you get pwned in Roblox. Very sad. Very embarassing.
Example #1:
George: Dang! What was my Fortnite password again?
Ted: Big oof!
Example #2:
Randolph: Remember that girl from Tinder? You wanted to go and link her, it turned out she was a guy
People watching his video: OOF!
Example #3:
Admin: /kill MegoNoob387
MegoNoob387: OOF
oof is commonly used by smol children and or people who meme a lot
oof originated in a dead game called Roblox
"oh oof I forgot to send that meme"
"oh oof I left some shit in my locker"
A word used in realm of the mad god that players say when anyone dies
<Tamaranai died level 1 killed by snake>
<Mdantos> OOF
<nork> OOF
The word oof originated from the game called Messiah 2000
but people will say that oof came from roblox but it dint roblox was the one who made the oof sound popular because roblox uses it as it's death sound
When you die in a game in roblox you hear the word oof
if you type in youtube roblox oof sound effect you can find one
if you type in youtube PC Messiah - Ending & Credits and go to 0:07 you can hear the oof sound