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Power Snooze

A "power snooze" is when an individual takes a 15 - 30 min or less interval of sleep, usually in hopes of starving off tiredness before an event or occasion. Commonly taken on a couch, in the back of a car, or a convenient bed of some kind. Can also be called a "cat nap" but that usually refers to a nap that lasts a longer amount of time.

Whether they work or not depends on the situation and the individual. Sometimes they happen to work miracles.

Person: Oh, I better go have a power snooze, we're gonna be out all night.

by asgdsdhgfkjfhgsf June 27, 2011

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power thrust

A move for sex.

" I love when you power thrust in me"

by my name is ********* June 21, 2017

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power blip

Small amount of time you get to yourself when moving on from one ho to the next.

Carla: My man ain't acting right, this shit's gettin old.

James: Girl you need to go on a power blip and clear your head!

by The Ginger Man July 16, 2014

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Power Elbow

A way to describe to your friends you want to have sex with someone

Im gonna give that girl a power elbow

by Crennaldo July 17, 2009

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power pwn

bacically same thing a pwn but if u power pwn someone, u do it in a short anount of time. Used in online gameing by good players who completly pwn noobs.

"u see that power pwn dude....wow that noob sucked

by pezzking August 30, 2006

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power friends

The type of friends who cannot be without one another. They can never be without eachother. When they try to be away from one another, it never works out but when they come back to eachother they become stronger.

We are more like power friends cuz were not a couple.

by 626creeper6954 January 16, 2016

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Banana Power



by FakedNaked August 2, 2016

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