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Iona Prep

4 words: gay, daddies money, fuckboy
the 3 types you will find at iona

"Iona prep is known for having beef with that other school."

by i_shit_on_schools February 3, 2023

Iona Prep

A school where the hottest boys in westchester go. Fordham prep is so ghetto. Iona is MUCH better at every single sport. Stepinac is even more ghetto

Hot girl: OMG do you see that hot Iona Prep boy in pizza shop! Her friend: Yes, wow Iona boys are way hotter than the Fordham boys.

by hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe17 December 19, 2021

Prep Twin

Some one with small muscles and a small penis who dresses and acts in a manner in which one would think they are strong, but in fact are weak little bitches.

“Hey dude, put some fucking weight on the bar you prep twin.”

by hellobwordshdhcbsjxjd November 9, 2019

Saint Charles prep

A dick factory

Oh you’re going to Saint Charles prep, you me a the dick factory of Columbus?

by BBC British broadcasting cock August 17, 2022

Stoner prep

Stoner prep is the word to describe how young “rappers” that got famous out of nowhere dress.
These type of clothes look kinda trashy like they woke up and just threw on whatever they could find (sometimes they look down right insane and over the top) while at the same time costing a lot of money.
The type of people that wear these clothes are usually young “rappers” with lil at the beginning of their names. (Sometimes one hit wonders).

Bill: hey bob I like that sweater but is it supposed to have all those rips in it?
Lil bob: hell yeah don’t you understand fashion? And it only costed me $1000.
Bill: oh bob, you’re such a stoner prep.

by Youngjandoe August 26, 2018

saint bernard prep

It’s a place of a bunch of suck ups they are mostly fuckers and they are just annoying they are like if your not perfect you don’t fucking fit in it is a catholic fucking boarding school in Alabama cullman and I think you shouldn’t ever go there or definitely board there just being honest

That Saint Bernard prep is a hell hole

by Rip9/11forever February 18, 2019


Generally applied to preparation routines associated with sodomy. Usually consisting of the hosing out of the bowels and lubing up like a the asshole is made of banana peel insides.

Kyle asked for anal, but I let him know there would be a lot of prep-work required if he didn’t want to bathe in shit and blood.

by Johnson’s Son March 9, 2022