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Rocket Stomping

Rocket Stomping is a practise usually performed by posh people, where a gay man stands on his head, and allows another gay man to insert his penis into his anus, whilst the recievers anus is filled with beetroot

Man 1 - "Hey Charles, would you like to try Rocket Stomping?"
Man 2 - "Why Yes Raymond, I would love to Rocket Stomp!"

by Kyle J. Beccalee October 18, 2008

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Meat rockets

Thighs, legs, muscles of propulsion. Especially when noticeably muscular.

She squats 400 pounds which is not surprising if you have her tree trunk meat rockets.

by Testy December 15, 2019

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Johnny Rocket

when a person takes a bottle either full or empty and places it on their testicles while holding it in place then sits down then leans back then takes the bottom of their foot then strikes it on the top of the bottle to hit their testicles

my friends dared me to give myself a a Johnny rocket and my balls hurt so bad

by smoke_detector July 25, 2014

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thot rocket

Another term for a man's dick

I wish Mallory would jump on my thot rocket.

by JAB89GT October 29, 2015

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rice rocket

automobile, often a Japanese import, modified for speed, or at least to look fast.

Check out my hemi, it left that rice rocket in the dust!

by vasking September 17, 2008

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Red Rocket

A red car, that has a history sexual activities been performed in it. In particular a 1991 Ford GL Corsair.

"hey look its Misha in his Red Rocket, he's going to score for sure"

by Michael Misha June 24, 2005

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rocket man

a dude who pwns bad-guys one way or another and flies with a jetpack

rocketman just pwnd that nazi

by rocketman_2004 August 3, 2005

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