used to describe someone who is being an absolute bitch
bro 1: “stoppp come on man”
bro 2: “bro why u bein such a small pee pee man”
someone who thinks they are black but is the opposite.they make something called the African tribe which is very clapped and no one loves. normally has a friend and they are called Dudley who is very beautiful but is also clapped.
my name dk smalls and im black and i the leader of the african tribe
jeez u got some small legs n feet ? what else
who starts w a j n ends with a n
shutup mr small legs
Small room is a genre of indie rock that is characterized by its DIY sound. The music is often recorded in small, makeshift recording spaces, such as bedrooms or basements, which gives it a raw and intimate quality.
Person 1: What’s your favourite genre of music
Person 2: Small room, stuff like crywank or salvia palth
Person 1: oh so you’re fucking depressed
The best friend , brother , boyfriend , uncle , step father , father , husband anyone could ask for ! I’ve never met a man so loving and casting to all he literally is a saint who sticks to his morals.. A real trail blazer never going with the flow unless the flow is the right way to go usually many disagree with his causes , however in the end he prevails and was usually sop on with how Innate ability to predict future outcomes abs events …. You will never meet a better man than Joey Smalls
If you ever get lucky enough to love joey smalls never let him go you will regret it the rest of you life .