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Social Repose

Richie Giese, Social Repose, is a Youtuber well known for his covers and original songs.

He dresses in very obnoxious attire, including a headdress, large black wings, white face paint and black contacts. He is also well known for his cheating and manipulative behavior, as well as being extremely problematic (Some may consider him racist).

12yo emo girl: Have you seen Social Repose's new video? xD
12yo emo girl #2: Omg xD Yes! rawr owo

by rosiexx November 6, 2017

228πŸ‘ 256πŸ‘Ž

social justice

Common meaning for equality. Typically among the social classes. Leftist in nature.

"That 19 year old college kid had her 2006 BMW stolen before it ever got the new plates."

"Who stole it? Robin Hood? That's social justice."

by nobody33 December 14, 2005

198πŸ‘ 229πŸ‘Ž

socially awkward

people who not only create awkward silences but also end them...

If you fashion multiple beaded animal key chains and are over the age of twelve, you can color yourself socially awkward.

by Tess Sollinis December 29, 2007

580πŸ‘ 708πŸ‘Ž

Social Terrorist

People who are always nice when in a group or at work or school and always shaking hands and smiling. When they get home they start their assaults on mankind via blogs, posts, and other internet media outlets with cursing, racial indignation, name calling and general harassment of anyone and everyone. Only to return to work, school, etc. smiling and maintaining their normal sleeper cell persona.

Friend - Hey man how are you?

Social Terrorist - Awesome how about you?

Friend - Did you see on the internet where a guy robbed a bank killed someone and only got 5 years?

Social Terrorist - No, that's a shame but I don't really look at the internet when I'm home I have so much more to do than stay online (secretly can't wait to get home and terrorize everyone he can find on the subject who does not share his view).

by StockCasa August 25, 2011

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social warrior

A pompus person who feel it is their right or duty to tell privileged people to "check their privilege". Also known as a a PC warrior or PC douchbag

Get a load of that social warrior telling Mike to, "Check his privilege" because he is a straight white guy...what a PC douchbag.

by CaptainTat3r September 8, 2017

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Social Smoker

A smoker who is in denial about being a smoker

Sally says she’s a β€œ social smoker” on dating sites because she can’t get a date.

by Gene Symonds August 17, 2018

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

socially saturated

a state of having too many friends, or social obligations

Ex. 1 Guy 1: "Hey man, you should totally come to this party, you'll meet lots of new people"
Guy2: "I don't need to meet new people guy, I'm fuckin socially saturated"

Ex. 2 "I don't know which predrink to go to tonight, feelin pretty socially saturated right now."

by RiMill November 1, 2010

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