Hahahhaha you fat bitch I made you cum here
you STUPID MODAFOKA why da fak you looking here bitch
The quality of being stupid, of being able to frequently or constantly display stupidity of choice, thought, word, or deed.
The stupidity-ness of College-maleducated Snowflakes is almost boundless. They are too stupid to know that the reason they can’t get a job, talk face-to-face, spell, write a grammatically correct sentence, enjoy a funny movie or why they constantly think that they are being oppressed or victimized AND HAVE RIDICULOUS COLLEGE LOANS TO PAY OF is because THEY REALLY ARE VICTIMS... not of white, heterosexual married men and fathers with jobs taking care of their families BUT INSTEAD, VICTIMS OF A college system that DIDN’T EDUCATE THEM SO THAT THEY COULD BE PRODUCTIVE AND SELF-SUFFICIENT, but instead just mass-produced them into Political Activists, armed with misrepresentations, lies and paranoid fiction and a perverse Racial Intolerance called Identity Politics. Their STUPIDITYNESS is that they SHOULD BE ANGRY AT the college faculties and curricula that took away their opportunities for an optimistic future and saddled them with the hatefulness and delusions of an ideology intent on taking away their freedoms to think, to speak, to choose for themselves, to express themselves as individuals and to improve their lot in life with hard work.
When you knowledge of fashion is far below standard fashion or does not make any sense to the majority of people. Fashion that cannot be placed in the following categories The modern classic, The sporty natural, The funky urbanite, The trendy fashionista, The artistic eclectic, The bohemian hippi, or The rustic redneck.
Girl #1 "Did you see that dress that Debbie was wearing, with those shoes."
Girl #2 "She is so fashion stupid, some one should report her for being a fashion victim."
Oozing Stupid - when someone is so stupid it oozes out of them and into everything around them.
She is so dumb she is oozing stupid everywhere.
Someone who acts in a manner that it completely opposite to the traditional 'aloha style.A personality so foreign it can be mistaken for extraterrestrial activity.
Burning, looting , rioting , lawlessness,'gotta be the stupid haoles."
When a stupid person thinks you're stupid and dismisses your supposed stupidity, from their stupid sense of view, double stupid, duh!
I will prove the Earth is flat by walking to the end of it.
But...there is too much evidence and common sense that we live on a sphere!
Duh! That’s the opinion of some so-called scientists! Fake science news! You dumb-ass!
Oh, I am now double stupid. I give up
The trinity of stupidity is so stupid their stupidity combines and makes them smart
The trinity of stupidity is so stupid their stupidity combines and makes them PHUKEN smart