Source Code

ben folds

A man who once levitated a piano during a concert.

"Fuckin A, Ben levitated a piano!"

by UT Law Student April 15, 2005

360πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž

ben folds

Ben Folds is the love of my life. He is one of the greatest musicians who ever lived, and his talent on the piano is unmatched by any of today's crappy pop music. Seeing him live in concert makes me want to drop out of school and follow him around the country because he is a god and I love him.

this is a real conversation I once had
Guy: Yo, I was listening to the second track on one of the Ben Folds albums, and it made me cry.
Me: Which one? "Still Fighting It?" Cause that one made me cry.
Guy: No, it was "Fair."
Me: Yeah, Ben Folds is a genius.

by i_love_jew_fros August 18, 2004

167πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


Normally gay but if not, undoubtedly cute

Sarah: OMG was that Ben
Natalie: Yeah, uhh... he’s gay.

by Thedashingsimon December 8, 2018

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A nice gay guy

Ben is gay

by 2345678909876543456789 February 21, 2017

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A self centered ass-hat

Ben: "my dad got me a ferrari as a pre-birthday present"
Dude: "no one cares b***"

by Zeta, the real definition December 10, 2018

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


He's a cunt, an unflushable floater that won't fuck off

"That guy just stabbed someone"

"Yeah, he's a total Ben"

by Cheeseburger the Great December 11, 2016

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


plays to much video games usually for honor or something like that small cock decently swaggy hair pretty ok at rapping always wears snow boots or if hes in fl then he wears all black shoes swaggy glasses always is in relationships over instagram hates snapchat canadians and energy drinks and also im writing this with him and he aint doing shit so hes a pussy overall pretty cool posts way too many pictures of clouds sleeps in his swim trunks lives in minnesota has an annoying friend named evan who may not have a cock at all overall pretty cool tho

ben is decently swaggy

by to cool for sunday school October 2, 2017

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