Jamie Chad owns the world recorded for world's biggest pound for pound head
Jamie Chad has a massive head
A person with such a large sex appeal that no mortal can match or resist
"Sorry Charlie, but Chad Wu-Ching can't stop his sex appeal."
One who gay and is jealous of a gay mans boyfriend.
Damn, that toxic chad! I so wanted to be his gay boyfriend
Wanting a significant other and going to social enviroments just to sit in the corner on your phone
Dude did you see Dave Pulling a Chad again even though Vanessa was eyeing him all night
this being is known as god himself if anyone crosses his path they will be struck by lightning and die instantly giga chads of all chads and giga chads of all giga chads of all giga chads are the only ones he will spare after you die your soul gets stolen by him and your fate is going insane from the immence power he gave you
he also has the giga glance the giga strangle and the giga slam his one true power is the giga lightning and his giga punch they both kill you instantly but you feel all the pain when you die and go to hell the giga punch sends you straight to hell giga chads have no idea what there getting into when they see this god aka the giga chad of all giga chads of all giga chads of all chads
person1: *gets struck by lightning and dies*
person2: same
the giga chad of all giga chads of all giga chads of all chads is the strongest thing on earth and is known as god and satan mixed
Omega Chad's are just myths. The chaddests of shade but weaker then the Gigachads. Gets many women
Girl:damn Brendens so hot
Girl 2:Yeah he's like a Omega chad