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Double Pipe Party

The act of synchronising the expulsion of a turtle head whilst exhaling smoke from a crack pipe for ultimate pleasure and rush.

"Make sure you lock the toilet door this time, I don't want my mother walking in while you're having a DOUBLE PIPE PARTY again!"

by Tommy Tooltacker March 9, 2014

lead pipe massage

1)savage physical beating

2)verbal beating, scourned, read her/him the "riot act"

1)he/she got the lead pipe massage while he was walking home from work last night.

2)he/she got the lead pipe massage for being late for the meeting.

by WstLwnG March 3, 2009

passed like a pipe

a girl who's been passed around between guyz like a fat ass blunt.

guy 1: "did u hit that?"
guy 2: "hell nah, she been passed like a dam pipe"

by CoCo April 21, 2004

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Mexican Pipe Cleaner

A poop so tidy and straight that no wiping is needed in order to clean the rectal area.

Lucky for the man in the stall without toiletries, he released a Mexican Pipe Cleaner and went on his merry way.

by Persephone's Vacuum January 22, 2005

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shit pipe sheriff

Someone who takes part in anal sex. Generally gay males of a suspicious type.

"Luke Herbert loved to take it up the bum, but James Dixon loved to be the shit pipe sheriff"

by Barry or December 29, 2006

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lead-pipe cinch

In American slang this phrase means a dead certainty.

Homer: I have 50 bucks riding on this game.
Marge: Homer, you promised me!
Homer: This isn't gambling Marge. It's lead-pipe cinch.

by Jara Dosek December 29, 2006

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tryna catch this pipe

When a girl is hitting you up but not saying anything you just gotta drop the question, "tryna catch this pipe"

If yea she wants ya dick, if not she aint mean it when she say shit

This girl throwin hints, i think she's tryna catch this pipe.

by g139900 February 29, 2016

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