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The shortest guy in town; a very little person; un pequeño hombre/niño

If you see this Wells, we are talking about you. :)

by CrackerRatato December 5, 2023


Slang work for a lot, excellent, very etc. Used when someone’s approved of something

Ayyy man your lookin well cool today”

by alicedutton March 2, 2018


It's good but more consistent. Good is when something special has happened, but well, it doesn't have this; it's like good.

M: "How are you?"
A: "Well."

by prestigewordsdefiner February 7, 2025


Wells is a genetically modified strain of E-TMA. It too has a fatality rate of 100%. It passes from person to person through verbal communication.

+Did you hear about wells disease?
-What is wells?
+Wells my dick fit in your mouth?

Wells you sugma balls?

by User696969420696969 September 28, 2023


luckily; opportunely.

hail fellow, well met

by Arminkshipper July 15, 2024


a region of minimum potential.

A gravity well

by Arminkshipper July 15, 2024


the place in a court of law where the clerks and ushers sit.

The lawyers stood before the judge, while their assistants scurried about in the well.

by Arminkshipper July 15, 2024