Source Code

Wet Sack

A person who will not attend a popular engagement without a reasonable excuse. Popular between scottish friends.

#1"You no' coming down the Pub?"

#2"Aye, no' I'm gonnie stay in and watch Big Brother"

#1"Ya pure wet sack, come down the pub!"


by PureWhetto#1 November 12, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

wet tissue

worse than a wet blanket...no substance

dat girl be worse den a wet blanket, she be a wet tissue. damn no substance

by superhyphyhyphyhyphy May 6, 2010

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wet carrot

a carrot used for masturbation purposes and becomes wet as a result

Mary was really horny and used a carrot to pleasure herself. Then offered me the use of her wet carrot, but I was afraid she had an STD.

by SparkleAndShine10 November 27, 2011

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Wet dream

When you wake up with a boner

Bruh, I had a dream that I had sex with a hottie and I got a wet dream

Eww what the hell dude?

by Kidswillbekids May 29, 2019

15๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

wet as fuck

a girl that gets horny and wet because of a guy/girl
fuck yea!

i'm wet as fuck and it feels soooo goood

by idiotkabitchfukk September 10, 2007

52๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wet Amos

A Wet Amos is when one wets a finger, generally the pinky, in saliva and then unsuspectingly inserts it into the anal region of a warm blooded creature. All stink, no pink and the signature one digit differentiate this maneuver from the Shocker;

Wet Willy's southside cousin.

1.) "A Wet Amos is a horrible way to wake up."
2.) "I gave a Fluffy a Wet Amos and then rubbed my finger on your pillow."

by Uzanna February 13, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


sex without a condom
really hot sex
blow job

boy 1: man I fucked this girl Saturday and she gave me some wet-stiffys.
Boy 2: Lucky bastard
boy 1: yeah I'm that pimpin
boy 2: ahhhhhhhhhhh
boy 1: skeetttt

by kayleen....seli May 6, 2008

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