an Evans is someone who seems happy but can definitely often be depressed on the inside but won’t show it. However Evans families are extremely tough and never back down!
“That guy is rough, who is he?”
“He’s an Evans.”
“That makes so much sense”
Evan is the kinda guy to try and steal your wife from you, he will do anything to make them cheat on you. Evan is a hopeless romantic who tries to rizz up everyone he sees but fails. When someone interested in him he says no.
"Evans a nerd who just tried to steal my wife"
An Evan is someone who tries their hardest to be different from the majority of the pack and do so in the least sigma manor fathomable.
Yeezus is the best Kanye album, its peak! -what an Evan would say
"Bro your being such an Evan today."
stupid, pathetic ,annoying ,piece of trash, never trust him. always gets dropped and is nothing. he's useless. Keith doesn't love him
Evan is the most kind, courageous, hard working person you will ever meet he is strong, ambitious and never gives up. He’s beautiful and caring inside and out!
The most soulful person who cares a lot for others , he’s friendly and so funny!
Don’t let a Evan go if you have one 🙂
Evan is so caring
A Fucking douche that deserves to be put down and usually has a horrible personality and a small penis.
I saw Evan today. I wanna die.