a cuddle which lead to the the theft of your wallet, keys or phone from your pockets.
Oi, dude less of the black cuddle and give me my phone!
The act of receiving an oversized black dildo in either the anus or vagina with tremendous force causing excruciating pain.
Did you hear about that girl Becky getting black thor'd at Mike's party. I heard she couldn't walk for two weeks.
(noun) black fuzz or black fuzzies (plural)
1. Those little balls of fuzz that come out of black socks
2. A black cop
Jack: So then what happened, how'd you get away from the black fuzzy?
Pat: I threw some black fuzzies from my socks into his face then ran.
In the lexicon of drinks.
Vodka (preferably Ketel One) and creme soda known as a Vince Black.
"Bar keep, I'll have a vodka and creme soda."
"One Vince Black coming right up"
A sick ass local death metal band from Colorado that will give you a massive boner.
"you ever heard of Black July?"
"AH yeah man the BJ Bois, they made my girlfriend look like my mom."
An anime black is a person of color who idolizes anime to a personal level, often taking life lessons and morals from characters in anime and Japanese culture. They are not all weeaboos, but they often grow up with out a strong father figure.
George works out and listens to anime music and often quotes anime characters for life advice he's defiantly an anime black.
black drank means to wisky or rum
1:"dude nah y'all lame as fuck"
2:"u dont know shit... lemme sipp on that black drank "
1:"what then?"
2:"black drank make yo ass hella turned bruh"