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double cheeseburger challenge

A game in which someone attemps to eat 10 Mcdonald's Double cheeseburgers in 40 minutes.

John attempted the double cheeseburger challenge and failed miserably

by mark demp5ey August 24, 2006

13๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Taco Bell Challenge

A feat which is accomplished by eating all the items of the Taco Bell Big Value Menu in one sitting. Any sauce/soda added is up to the challenged. This feat should be recorded via video/ledger/tape and witnessed by an audience of at least 2 people. If the partaker vomits, the challenge is over.

When Rick completed the Taco Bell Challenge in 45 minutes, HE WAS FULL!!

by TBChampion January 4, 2006

35๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bud Light Challenge

A right of passage by the Yale men's Varsity Soccer team, to ascertain the courage, determination, and perseverance of perspective incoming players.

How it is performed:
1. Every individual partaking in the "BL Challenge" (pronounced "shallanj") must fill a solo cup (at least 16 ounces) to the brim with beer (whatever happens to be in the keg, no necessarily BL)
2. Players must then take their place around the main floor pong table in Sigma Nu (37 High Street New Haven CT).
3. On the count of 3 all members wail out the battle cry of "SHAAALLLAAANNNJJ" before downing the entire cup as fast as they possibly can, the loser is then formally known as the bitch of the team.

The loser of the inaugural BL challenge (performed on Monday April 19 2010) was the player formerly known as "Fogal".


"Boys this weekend is about being ambassadors for the program, its not about seeing how much Bud Light these guys can drink. It's not the time to take the Bud Light Challenge."

by Soft-Serve April 24, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Triple Crown Challenge

n. It is a challenge in which the participant attempts to masturbate three times in a row. The challenge is quite difficult because in order to achieve it, the participant must overcome guilty penis syndrome and sexual exhaustion . In order for the triple crown to be legitimate, one must do it without the assistance of E.D medications such as Viagra and Cialis. There is no time limit for the challange although it must be done in one sitting and the participant must begin his next stage of masturbation immediately after ejaculating from his previous one.

Dude I was going for the triple crown challenge last night but I couldn't continue after blowing my load the second time.

by the master of many tongues October 10, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Seasoned Salt Challenge

The goal of the Seasoned Salt Challenge is to snort a tablespoon of seasoned salt faster than your opponent can shotgun a Coors Light. Ultimately, you cannot win this challenge. It is the equivalent to spraying mace up your nose for 10 seconds. The spices in the seasoning will destroy your nasal cavity, causing your eyes to force themselves shut (aside from a torrent of tears escaping) and your face to feel like someone dumped an entire colony of African Fire Ants onto it. You are guaranteed to cry for 20 minutes and sneeze for the next 2 hours. The after effects of this challenge are still felt days later. It is said to be one of the most unnatural highs a human should never experience.

Bonus points are awarded for having sex with someone the same night you complete the Seasoned Salt Challenge.

"Hey man, did you see Nick snort that tablespoon of seasoned salt?"

"Yes! I can't believe he did that. The best part is, no one told him to snort it. He did it of his own free will."

"He must like to party, I've never seen someone do the Seasoned Salt Challenge, I thought it was a myth!"

by tdsteveaustin May 11, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Slice of Bread Challenge

Eating challenge where you have to eat a slice of white bread in under 45 seconds with no drink to help. Harder than it sounds, because it dries your mouth pretty quick. Not as bad as the cinnamon challenge. I expected it to be a breeze, but it was harder than I thought. Managed to get it in about 24 seconds though.

Lets do the Slice of Bread Challenge

by Dat_Arizona_Tea April 20, 2012

36๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

The stop light challenge

Drag racing with another car when the light turns green.

his WRX beat the civic si on the stop light challenge

by sloth96cky January 22, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž