Source Code

scoot a lee doo

Something to shout when your happy. Created by Dane Cook

Dane's Dad: Kids were going to Benson's Animal Farm
Dane: Scoot a lee doo
Dane's Dad: That's right, Scoot a lee God Damn doo

by Amanda R November 27, 2007

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

doo da loo

A word that my cousin Al and me made up.It can mean almost any thing. IT can mean what you wanna go do or if you dont know what to say, just say 'Doo Da Loo'. ITs not a cus word Uncle Bill.

me-hey al!
al- hey kat!
me- wanna go doo da loo?
al- yeah, i wanna go play guitar!
me-yo yo yo
al- theres nothing to do
me-yeah, doo da loo!

by Katherine Vicious July 1, 2003

5πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Whoop-dee fucking-doo

Who cares, so what?

Homie 1: β€œFinally got a BMW, shits all over your Holden Commodore”

Homie 2: β€œWhoop-dee fucking-doo”

by Lucifer is my bitch October 13, 2021

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shit ass fuck ass buttcheek doo doo fart

shit ass fuck ass buttcheek doo doo fart means you are a faggot

Jason: Yo whats good bro
Jaquavious: STFU wit yo shit ass fuck ass buttcheek doo doo fart ass
Jason: why bro
Neglanta: sheesh mcgee he just flamed yo ass

by Jakeisaniggainparis March 17, 2021


as in the nursery rhyme

Mummy did a poo,
Daddy's in the Dunny,
And he don't know what to do"

by Katie and Bevan May 10, 2003

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San Diego Scooby Doo

Card game from "The King of Queens" television show.

β€œAlright, the game is San Diego Scooby Doo. Three decks, and we use all the Jokers and instruction cards.”

by Hulmerist January 24, 2012

76πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Sucky Tan Ducky Doo

me when i spam the Japanese keyboard bc i wanna sound smart

you: ζ—₯本θͺžγ―難しい言θͺžγ§γ™γ‹οΌŸ(is japanese a difficult language?)
me: uh Sucky Tan Ducky Doo

by kittn September 26, 2021

238πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž