When you find food on the floor of your car or in the seats and eat it
Awww man, found some fries in my cars seat and had an awesome car buffet
To rent a car
John has a floated car from the Car Dealer
The vehicle you transport your side piece in back to his car parked down the street
After A great fucking session at my house I took my side piece back to his car Via the bootie car
A taxi you always seem to fall asleep in.
Man, have you ever fallen asleep in The Cosby Car?
Purple Car signifies the meaning of you and your crush participating in "sexual activities" in the backseat of a purple car.
"you have a purple car? imagine how many late night rides youd get outta that thing lol."
When you hit it from behind hard enough for her to start making a honking sound similar to a car alarm.
I gave her that car alarm last night and it woke the neighbors.
when two faggots make sexy time in the back of there Dads Prius
Me and Kevin did a car poser last night