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Pissing in my ear

1.A phrase used to admonish someone when you know they are outright lying to you to try to get over on you.

2.Thinly veiled line of BS aimed at fooling someone who you think is less intelligent then you are.

Quit pissing in my ear mother fucker, I already know what happened.

That fool is straight pissing in your ear and telling you it's raining.

by ninjoe October 8, 2008

28πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

one-eared elephant

A variant of one of the penis-showing game's presentations whereby a man hangs his flacid member through his zipper hole and untucks one of the front pockets in his pants-thereby creating the image described by the name.

"Last night we were watching the game at Nick's house and when Kevin was coming back from taking a leak he got all of us with the one-eared elephant."

by Luiggi April 28, 2008

19πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Cloth-Eared Elephant

The act of turning your pockets inside out and letting your penis hang out of your fly, resembling an elephant. Also known as Elephant Man.

I finally decided to quit my job, so I showed my boss the Cloth-Eared Elephant.

by Dcf_d2 May 20, 2008

15πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

flick the pirates ear

To go down on a girl who has her clit pierced.

I didn't realise Claire had a pirate's ear til I flicked it

by Steven McCrory March 26, 2004

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EG Ear Full

When having sex, just as your about to cum, stick your penis inside the girl's ear and nut. After that tickle her nose (precisely with a feather) and wait until she is about to sneeze. Just before, plug her nose and watch the cum shoot out of her ear!

"Dawg last night when I fucked Sally's, I pull the best EG Ear Full ever. It was sick bro!"

by Bigpp916 March 24, 2010

44πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Squint your ears

When you're trying to hear something that's annoyingly low.

You always have to squint your ears around Dan's annoyingly passive aggressive friend.

by icwish August 7, 2012

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Paint your ears

When you say something that you know the other person just wants to hear. It may not be the truth but it makes them feel better. It's kind of sugar-coating your response to the other person or subject.

If you don't want me to tell you the truth, then I'll just paint your ears. Or, I don’t care what you say, I think you did a great job.
paint ears paint your ears ears paint ears paint paint your your ears

by GMoneyGrill June 3, 2016