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put in work

when you go to the mex mob mansion and light your fireworks off to wake all of them up because they turned their back on da lench mob

You ready to go put in work at the mex mob mansion tonight

by da lench mob July 3, 2006

59๐Ÿ‘ 256๐Ÿ‘Ž

social not-working

Procrastinating important things in need to be done such as studying, or assignments due the next day, by social networking on websites like facebook.

Dork: "Hey, did you get that assignment done yet? i already finished my research paper"
Typical lazy guy: "No, i'm social not-working right now"

Teacher: "Im concerned about your grades slipping, have you been studying?"
Student: "No, i've been socially not-working instead"
Teacher: (sighs) Facebook is the only book kids will read these days...

by mickeyd23 February 20, 2011

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Water Work's

Slang for a Hitman,

Like I need some "Water Work's" done for my wife she's been a bitch lately. You Can find some good "Water Works" company's on the internet

by Water Worker April 13, 2014

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College Works

A painting internship located across the continental United States that offers college and university students a chance to learn real life business experience. This internship is not for the faint of heart or those looking to skim the internship surface. If you don't come to work, then you will have wasted your time and the companies. Learn skills such as sales, advertising, marketing, entrepreneurship and communication. As an intern you will be responsible for all business aspects of a residential painting business. An attention grabber for any resume'.

College Works is the largest entrepreneurial internship in the United States.

by bond_boy_11 January 5, 2011

47๐Ÿ‘ 210๐Ÿ‘Ž

Working Bee

The illusion of work conducted by a crew under the influence of a captain in an alcoholic state.

A working bee must be completed prior to summer shenanigans aboard the captains boat

by Captain My Captain... October 13, 2014

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work laundry

The personal or underground secrets or personal business of co-workers or the entire work environment. People who know peoples work laundry are basically those who know their dirty laundry, but that of working area or corporate.

Jean: Man, supervisor James is a fucking crack-head I swear...he acts like one...
Marlow: Man why you spreading James work laundry? Janitor Bill and Pizza boy A.D. already head he was a crack head!

A.D.: Did you hear about Supervisor Heather? She slept with that one guy who orders the same chicken-bacon-club sandwhich everyday.
Sophia: Damn, everyone knows her work laundry..

by Newport Boo 813 May 6, 2008

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Work colleague

A super best forever friend

Kathy and Aaron are work colleagues

by A-Raw August 17, 2018

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