When an individual or individuals get into a disagreement or conflict over something that means absolutely nothing to them - it gets you nowhere fast
I knew when he came at me with his paddle boat mentality, I was dealing with a real winner
What Brodee Floyd doesn’t have
“Jhit don’t got Michael Jordan Mentality”
A quote from the book “All the young dudes” by MsKingBean said by a gay werewolf
Lupin- I’m mental about you
Sirius- I’m mental about you too
Vulture mentality is when during school, you open some sort of food item, and everyone else swarms around you and asks for some
Absolute vultures. These bastards know the way of the vulture mentality
when you just can't because your brain is just like " " you know? yeah
Can't really talk right now my brain is all mental melty.
An immediate reaction to information taken in through one or more senses that is undesired which causes visible distress and discomfort.
Causes feelings of discomfort and disgust for long periods of time, as well as the inability to forget the undesired information.
May cause loss of interest, agitation, recurring feelings of discomfort and disgust, and struggling to communicate about the information, even when being vague.
The horror book had been too descriptive, and he said he is going through a "total mental devastation".