Source Code

personal dictionary

A large vocabulary of words or phrases used by one specific person that are not common or do not exist in reality.

Jane: I completely lost my flibberwutsit when I saw her!
John: You lost what?
Jane: My flibberwutsit! It's from my personal dictionary.

by chocolemonade:-p April 28, 2009

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Often used as a word to define your enemies. Or sometimes stupid people lol. Peoples name's that are most likely referred to as "stupid person" Bob,Jeff,sophie,Nick,oranku.

Wow oranku only is a stupid person

by UrbanDefPerson December 25, 2016

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Brown Person

A lot of different groups identify with the color "brown" but if I had to pick an official "brown race" I'd say it would have to be Malay-Polynesians whicj includes Polynesians, Micronesians, Filipinos, native Malaysians and Indonesians. Middle Easterners and Latinos have a close genetic connection to white Europeans and many are pale faced as any "white person".

In the colonial era a "brown person" was either Malayo-Polynesian groups or South Asians. Latinos were not called "brown" during this period. Latinos of predominantly European ancestry were white. Indians were red, etc.

by Sham1500 April 7, 2007

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British Person

Does not actually exist. Great Britain is a union of four countries, England, (Northern) Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Great Britain is not a country therefore there can't be British people. There are however English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh people.

Random yank redneck: "Yehuck, your Bridish ain't ya?"

Me: "No you moron I'm English."

by Toolstyle June 6, 2005

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good person

is used when there is a silence between two people, and they look at each other. they will point their index finger toward each other and say "you're a good person"

In a conversation:

Dino Emilio Gutierrez is a good person, he told me i was so i said it back.

by garcskittles August 30, 2010

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People Person

1)One who possesses the traits that enable him or her to converse with anybody
2)The opposite of NoeL
3)The opposite of telling a lady at McDonalds that you aren't loyal to me

Noel isn't a people person

by Chris g December 28, 2005

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A Shady Person

A completely random person crapping in a porta-potty.

I saw a shady person's crap last night.

by Dood Veed April 11, 2017

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