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Open Water Swimming

Generally a group of menopausal ladies having a mid-life crisis, just wanting to get rid of their hot flushes

Karen: Want to go open water swimming?
Mark: No.
Karen: Well I am, I'm bloody boiling

by Brian0401 December 16, 2020

Open Up Yo Neck

This phrase is typically said in a mugging in which the mugger will politely ask for your necklace or chain

"Ayyo Open Up Yo Neck!" *steals chain*

by Muggers anonymous September 6, 2020

open the mic

it is a thing, a real thing.

opening the mic.

I can't open the mic right now.

She used her last brain cell earlier this morning, so she said "open my mic" instead of "turn on my mic"

by carperro March 9, 2021

Well open eyes big big towards BTS the kpop group kkk

Well open eyes big big towards BTS the kpop group kkk

Well open eyes big big towards BTS the kpop group kkk

by syafinaz? October 17, 2023

Open Interest

its when a girl uncrosses her legs

Don't call me or put me down unless we have sufficient open interest.

by zebra_2011 February 10, 2011

Open Season: scared silly (2015 horror movie)

A movie so terrifying that I had to lock my children in my basement and lock all 7,823,034 door and window locks and hide for nearly half of a decade, This is my return note and I am hoping I never have to experience the terrifying film known as Open season: scared silly

Guy 1: Dude, did you see Open Season: scared silly (2015 horror movie)?
Guy 2: *has Vietnam flashbacks*

Guy 1: You good bro?
Guy 2: *shakes away flashbacks* *throws up**has seizure*
Spongebob Narrator: 2 weeks later
Guy 2: never speak of that again!

by breathtaker_clayman February 6, 2020

Notepad opens everything

Expression used when talking about the windows program called Notepad.

It is only used when you want to tell anyone about opening , for example, a .JPG file (image file) on it

Person 1: "Dude look at this! Notepad opened this image!*

Person 2: "Well, like I told you, Notepad opens everything!"

by NormalFery April 6, 2022