Best man on the earth, very hot, especially in bed hot hot hot hot hot gulp
guy 1: hi I'm Evan Peters
Guy 2: F me
Two timing sex offender, extremely greasy, tries to squeeze into a medium when he's an extra large, kisses girls when they are sleeping, three ciders and he's down, Can't fat shame him, he has no shame. Don't be an ape, don't be Sean Peter.
Local ape Sean Peter lobes himself up into a medium.
This is the phrase Aunt May uses for Peter Parker in Far From Home. He, in fact does not like the name, and really wants a break from all this superhero stuff.
I especially love the part where Peter 3 has bread thrown at him and says that he has the tingle, ‘just not for bread.’
“Please do not start calling it my Peter tingle.”
When your penis goes into the wrong hole during sexual intercourse
Im a little soar today frank gave me a naughty peter last night.
The sexiest bitch to walk this planet.
Peter Parker? Oh yh, he’s sexy.
Person 1: "Omg, its Peter Parker!"
Person 2: "Who's that?"
Bob: Why is everyone asking about peter parker
Jerry: Who even is that?