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Consolation Piss

When you have to take a shit but the stall is occupied so you take a piss in the urinal instead.

Man I had to take a massive dump earlier but someone was on the shitter, I had to take a consolation piss instead.

by TovarichMoore August 21, 2018

piss crook

Adjective, meaning "hung over" in New Zealand English slang. Comes from "piss" (alcohol; getting drunk) and "crook" (NZ/Aus/UK sick; ill), literally "alcohol sick". Usually implies that vomiting is involved.

Mate, I was so piss crook yesterday, couldn't stop chundering aye.

by morninglory07 January 11, 2015

polar pissing

Pissing in extremely cold temperatures, usually so cold that the pee freezes in midair.

Man 1: Aw man! I went polar pissing again and my pee froze!
Man 2: Well next time, try not to stick your dick out and piss when the temperature is below zero. Polar pissing is dangerous to your health.
Man 1: Gee, thanks, I'll remember that next time my piss freezes inside my dick.

by Random Person From Canada January 16, 2014

Infused Piss

When you want to piss after busting a obese nut to your favorite waifu but there's still some cum left on your foreskin, mixing the urine with the semen.

Jerry: Dude, i needed to piss but there was some cum left on my PP! That means i made infused piss!
Thomas: wdym? What will happen now?
Jerry: idk, i guess i will give birth to a scary sewer monster.
Kat: Dude, that's gross
Jerry: So, can i piss in yo pussy, Kat?
Thomas: bro wtf

by Maxicat0 October 1, 2021

Piss rim

The portion of the porcelain toilet rim that is exposed by a u- shaped toilet seat.

In public places (or dirty homes with a u-shaped toilet seat) the area of the toilet rim that dried up pee, and lone pubic hair escapees gather.

Every time I take a poop in public, and I wipe, my arm hits the piss rim!!!


Last night, I was so drunk. I threw up so hard I held onto the piss rim for dear life!!!

by agotaras2000 October 26, 2022

piss wrangler

someone who tries to catch there piss in a jar.

Ha Ha you aren't a good piss wrangler!

by Fro Man August 11, 2007

Luxuary Piss

When you only need a piss but you just sit on the toilet anyway because its relaxing and nice.

Where you going? I'm going for a luxuary piss.